
Explore Your Data Visually

All in one tool for JSON, YAML, CSV, XML, and TOML. Formatter, validator, visualizer, and editor.


Transform your data into interactive graphs or trees as you type. Supports JSON, YAML, CSV, XML, and TOML.


Convert JSON to CSV, YAML to JSON, XML to JSON, and more. Our JSON converter supports multiple formats for easy data exchange.

Format & Validate

Format and beautify your JSON data to make it more readable. Validate JSON, YAML, and CSV.

Generate Code

Generate TypeScript interface, Golang structs and more.

JSON Schema

Generate JSON Schema, create mock data, and validate JSON Schema from various data formats like JSON, YAML, XML, and CSV.

Advanced JSON Tools

Decode JWT, randomize data, execute jq (JSON Query), json path commands.

Download & Share

Export image of the graph, store your files in the cloud, and share them with others.


Your data is never stored on our servers. Everything happens on your device.

Frequently Asked Questions

© 2024 JSON editor